3 Ways To Identify Your Customer Avatar And Target Market Audience
Knowing your ideal customer and target market is key to running a successful business or organization. Instead of appealing to everyone, you want to niche down to a specific person: your Customer Avatar.
You want to figure out the ins and outs of your Customer Avatar. This will help you curate the best approach to present your products or services to them. Your target customer is, after all, what keeps your business running.
But how do you reach them? What do you need to know about them to appeal to them? These are 3 things to help identify your ideal customer:
Who is your target customer?
Consider your competition
Where do you find your customers?
So, Who Are They?
Think about a few of these fundamental questions to ask when creating your Customer Avatar:
What does my customer want? What are their desires? Is there a problem they have that I can solve for them?
You want to be the one to provide that one thing missing in their life. Remember this quote from Disney’s Robots movie, “See a need, fill a need!” Be the one with the answer.
You want to create a specific person in your mind. Where do they live? What kind of work do they do? What are their hobbies? How will they use my product? The more specific you can be, the more focused your marketing will be.
Another part of creating your Customer Avatar involves diving into the psychology of your customer. These days marketing is so much more than a basic sales pitch! Step into the mind of your customer and think about their behavior. This can reveal so much when it comes to how we look at services, products, and brands we support.
Healthy Competition
Hopefully you know a bit about other businesses out there in the same field. If not, then definitely consider doing some research.
Now, this isn’t to steal ideas or poach employees. But you want to be aware of who else is out there in your niche. And more importantly, why their customers are their customers.
What works about their websites? Are they easy to read or aesthetically pleasing? How do my prices and rates compare to theirs? Are they budget friendly or luxury? Do they have a big social media presence? What strategies are they using?
Finding some of the best (and worst) examples to learn from will give you a balanced idea of what works and what doesn’t.
Once you develop a strategy, a lot of it will be trial and error. It takes time to hone in on the most beneficial practices to draw in your ideal customer. Once you do, though, you’ll be that much stronger!
Where To Find My Customers?
Organic traffic and word-of-mouth leads are two of the most successful kinds of sources to have. You can track where your customers come from and what kinds of communities they’re part of. But if you’re still trying to pinpoint your Customer Avatar, well, where do you look?
The answer might be so obvious you didn’t even realize it!
Remember, when reaching your target audience, you want to consider your Customer Avatar and their needs. Where could they go to find answers, products, or services?
Think Amazon reviews. Think Reddit forums and discussion boards. Think social media comments on Instagram or Twitter. Heck, putting some keywords in Google will give you a good idea of what people are searching for! The tools are out there, now you just have to use them.
Your Customer Avatar Awaits!
Creating your Customer Avatar is essential to your success, and it can also be fun! Whatever type of business, organization, or creative endeavors you’re involved in, it’s important to have a focus.
So when you’re working on your Customer Avatar for that ideal customer, remember:
What do my customers want?
How are my competitors operating?
Where do I find my customers?